March 2016

2016 Home Sales Doing Just Fine!!

2016 Home Sales Doing Just Fine!! | Simplifying The MarketSome of the housing headlines are causing concern for some consumers who are in the process of either buying or selling a home. Pundits are concerned over the lack of new construction or the month-over-month sales numbers. Let’s set the record straight; 2015 was a good year for residential real estate in the United States and 2016 is starting out stronger.

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Home Sales Up Year-Over-Year

Some Highlights

  • This is the 48th consecutive month with year-over-year price gains.
  • Lawrence Yun, NAR’s Chief Economist says that, “The main issue continues to be a supply & affordability problem. Finding the right property at an affordable price is burdening many potential buyers.”
  • Inventory is still below historic normals at a 4.4 month supply.

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